Glimpses into the Father's Heart

Eat Risk for Lunch!

By December 29, 2021January 29th, 2022No Comments

Eat Risk for Lunch!

by Steve Trullinger

Jesus walked the earth with extreme confidence, and so can you!

It is unlikely that Jesus was born with this sense of certainty, since he had emptied himself of his divine power [Philippians 2:7] and, for example, likely cried as an infant when he was hungry or needed other attention from his mother.  

I believe that Jesus gained his extreme confidence as he grew in the knowledge of his Father’s will and faithfulness. Since he is our “older brother” and we are becoming like him [Romans 8:29], his example is one that we can follow as we surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit. In my online course entitled “The Belief Advantage,” I outline five key actions that we can adopt as part of our lifestyle that will help us gain more Jesus-level confidence.

One of these actions I refer to as “Eat risk for lunch!” Let me explain …;

During his ministry Jesus is not recorded as ever saying “Maybe?” or crafting a “Plan B.” Rather, he knew his Father’s will so well, that he could say that he only did what he saw his Father doing, and he also knew that he could count on his Father’s support and the power of the Holy Spirit. So, it is unlikely that he experienced “risk.”   

While we are gaining intimacy with the Father and his will [Romans 12:2], we also have His support [2 Chronicles 16:9] and the power of the Holy Spirit. This means that as we grow to become more like Christ, we can “eat risk for lunch” instead of “managing” or “minimizing” risk. In other words, make it your goal to eliminate risk by following the example of Jesus in gaining deep intimacy with your Abba.

You will bring much joy to your Father as you gain “The Belief Advantage!”

© 2021 The Father’s Touch Ministries

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