Glimpses into the Father's Heart

A Perfect Bride for Jesus (even with your membership)

By January 21, 2022No Comments

A Perfect Bride for Jesus (even with your membership)

by Steve Trullinger

Jesus is coming back for a Bride (the believers collectively) that is perfect. The Apostle Paul shares this goal of the perfecting work of Jesus:

25 …For he died for us [his bride], sacrificing himself  26 to make us holy and pure, cleansing us through the showering of the pure water of the Word of God.  27All that he does in us is designed to make us a mature church for his pleasure, until we become a source of praise to him —glorious and radiant, beautiful and holy, without fault or flaw. [Ephesians 5:25-27 (TPT)]

For many years I did not understand how the Bride of Christ could be perfect if I, being imperfect, was to be part of this unblemished composite. I was not fearful of being “excluded” – I was just puzzled regarding the logic of how a collection of imperfect sons of God could, together, be perfect.

Then I realized that I had the answer at my fingertips for decades, and it was gradually being revealed to me over that span by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

In my work as a theoretical physicist (my former vocation), I studied the behavior of systems of large collections of objects (e.g., atoms or molecules) that, under the right conditions, actually exhibit perfect properties as a whole, even though there may be impurities present, or other imperfections in the arrangement of the objects (such as crystalline dislocations, voids, etc.). A simple example is provided in nature by certain metals (called superconductors) that, below a very low temperature, exhibit perfect electrical conduction even though the metal itself has imperfections. 

In my online course entitled The Ultimate Goal [see], I explain the analogy between such natural systems and the collection of the sons of God, and that the existence of superconductivity was a fantastic clue “stashed” by God until its discovery in 1911. My speculation is that the sons of God can exhibit the perfect unity that Jesus prayed for [see John 17:20-23], even though each of us, individually, is imperfect! In other words, our imperfections will be collectively invisible! The conclusion is profound:

The Bride of Christ can be perfect, even with your membership!

© 2022 The Father’s Touch Ministries

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