Glimpses into the Father's Heart

Abba Hears Mamas!

By February 25, 2023No Comments

Abba Hears Mamas!

by Steve Trullinger

Never doubt the power of a praying Mama! 

Several years ago in the university office of one of our Father’s Touch team members, a student came in to discuss her late term paper just before the Christmas break. She had a valid excuse, relating that she had finally been diagnosed with debilitating Still’s Disease which is a very painful auto-immune disorder that had begun to exhibit symptoms in her body when she first came to the university two years before. 

Her body was swollen because of the corticosteroids she had to take to suppress her malfunctioning immune system. She was still in obvious pain as she sat across the desk from her professor while they discussed her situation for a few moments. 

Prompted by the Holy Spirit, he politely asked her what kind of faith she had. She replied that her mom was a Baptist! When pressed a bit about her own faith, she seemed a bit embarrassed when she confessed that she hadn’t attended church in two years since starting her studies. He then asked if she believed in the power of prayer. She replied, “Oh, yes! My mama and I pray together on the phone every night! [Her mother lived on the opposite side of the continent!] 

Encouraged by the fact that Mama had been praying with and for her daughter, the professor asked if he could pray right then for healing! She nodded and within 10 seconds of exercising authority over the disease in her body, she was delivered of the pain in her neck, back and shoulders and was able to easily move her arms! When she got up, walked around the office and discovered that her legs were also pain-free, she began to sob with joy and amazement! 

She was encouraged to go home and immediately call her Mama to let her know that her prayers had been answered! 

Two months later, he bumped into her again and could barely recognize her! She had lost about 30 pounds and looked great! She said she was completely pain free and off all medications! God had done an instant work in response to a short prayer added to Mama’s stockpile! 

Mamas’ prayers are powerful!

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