Glimpses into the Father's Heart

How Big is Your Daddy’s Fridge?

By January 16, 2022January 21st, 2022No Comments

How Big is Your Daddy's Fridge?

by Steve Trullinger

Abba delightfully purposed to give us creativity, beginning with Adam himself!

19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. [Gen 2:19-20]

Abba anticipated Adam’s creativity in naming the creatures. Not only did he craft creativity in us (we are made in his image!), but he “looks forward” to how it will manifest.

Adam exhibited incredible intelligence (shown in naming all the creatures), and it is being restored to the people of God because of the work of Jesus on our behalf.  

Combined with our God-given creativity, this intelligence provides avenues for amazing displays of the handiwork of Abba’s sons, which ultimately brings glory back to Abba! There are countless examples of masterpieces of creation by God’s children, and indeed, there is no limit to what can be accomplished with the gifts Abba has given us!

Everything is possible for him who believes. [Mk 9:23]

In a very real sense we are “extensions” of God’s creativity, not equal to him but becoming more like his son Jesus as we mature in our sonship!  

Creativity is a gift from God to his children and will not likely “disappear” when we reach heaven. Instead, we will likely be co-creating with Abba for eternity! And we won’t be in a rush to finish our creative works because we cannot “exhaust” the infinite time available to us.

Abba’s joy because of your creations is incredible and perhaps infinitely more so into eternity as your creativity matures and expands without any limitation. He will encourage all the heavenly host to take a look at your newest creations!  

That will beg the question of how big your Daddy’s fridge must be, upon which he “posts” your handiwork for all to see? “No refrigerators in heaven,” you say? My response: “There has to be a place to store the ice cream!” 🙂

© 2022 The Father’s Touch Ministries

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