Glimpses into the Father's Heart

Say “Goodbye!” to Your Comfort Zone!

By January 7, 2022January 21st, 2022No Comments

Say "Goodbye!" to Your Comfort Zone!

by Steve Trullinger

It is impossible to have adventure inside your “comfort zone!”

I freely confess that I love to have adventure and I’ve discovered that every day can offer adventure when you are in the Kingdom of God. In fact, you can develop a lifestyle of adventure by believing that Abba delights himself in your curiosity and your passion for the thrill of discovery, and he is quite willing to support you as you venture outside your comfort zone to explore the “unknown.”

Boredom is a condition that is often brought about by decisions to “play it safe.” The vibrant life of an excited Christian is the opposite of boring, and quite often leads to encounters with the miraculous and/or to situations that necessitate the partnership of God to avoid potential failure or even disaster!  

Boredom is indeed a choice and not something that just “happens” to you. On the other hand, true adventure can “chase you down” when you decide to jump into the unknown or, in other words, to say “Goodbye!” to your comfort zone. The reward(s) can be quite thrilling and often beyond your expectation, since the very nature of sonship in the Kingdom promises new vistas of adventure that unfold even as you explore just outside your comfort zone.  

In other words, the adventures that await are often not yet dreamed of but seem to escalate right along with your boldness of exploration. If you are fighting timidity the good news is that you can win! The realization that Abba wants to show himself strong on your behalf, and that he delights in those discoveries that can only come through trust in him, will enable you to boldly explore outside of your comfort zone. 

The very nature of adventure with God has the (sometimes) annoying result that your comfort zone keeps getting bigger, because the very thing that thrilled you during exploration now becomes more “normal” or expected once experienced. Such is the life of an adventurous son of God. You must agree to run faster than the speed at which your comfort zone expands. If your comfort zone “captures” you, be sure to ask Abba to catapult you ahead of the zone boundary. He is quite capable of doing just that, and often doesn’t wait for you to ask!  

I think I like it when Abba “throws me into the deep end” of the spiritual “pool.” Quickly learning to “swim” is lots of fun! 

© 2021 The Father’s Touch Ministries

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