Glimpses into the Father's Heart

The Most Vulnerable Heart!

The Most Vulnerable Heart!

by Steve Trullinger

Vulnerability! A heart that loves makes itself vulnerable – a heart that self-protects cannot truly love.

Because Abba is love [1 John 4:8,16], and he loves us just as much as he loves Jesus [John 17:23], his heart must necessarily be vulnerable to the choices we make. This wonderful aspect of Abba’s heart may not always be at the forefront of our thinking as we make our choices.  Indeed, our self-focus can often relegate the possible impact of our choices on Abba’s heart to some place near the bottom of our priority list.

Part of the wonder of Abba’s heart is that he endures the hurt we cause him with some of our choices. Indeed, his heart is the most vulnerable of all!  He loves us so much that he gave us free will, and because of this choice on his part, he has made his heart vulnerable to the consequences of trillions (at least!) of choices made by his children.

When someone receives the precious gift of adoption into his family through belief in Jesus, there is incredible joy in Abba’s heart and that joy explodes through the universe as angels everywhere rejoice!  But when someone persists in refusing the free gift of salvation, the place in Abba’s heart that has their “shape,” and is reserved for them alone, remains empty forever, causing immeasurable pain for Abba. 

Even after we are born again, we are amazed that our loving Father opened his heart to not only the joy he feels because of our good choices, but also the pain of our not-so-good choices. This love is the most pure and tremendous of any passionate heart that exists! This vulnerability is far beyond our ability to comprehend and is just one of the reasons why Abba’s heart is the most fascinating place in the universe!

© 2022 The Father’s Touch Ministries