Glimpses into the Father's Heart

The Very Best Image!

By July 26, 2022No Comments

The Very Best Image!

by Steve Trullinger

I somewhat playfully asked the Father one day, “Abba, why did you make us in your image, and not something else, like a giraffe, for example?”

His answer was immediate and “dripping” with loving-kindness: “Because my image is the very best I could give you!” I could feel the joy in his heart as he shared his motive, and I had yet another glimpse into his incredible heart, the most fascinating place in the universe.

I have meditated on this love-driven choice by Abba for quite some time, and I encourage you to do the same because the delightful revelations of his infinitely textured love will keep coming to you!

For example, a shift in understanding will likely occur as we realize that the process of becoming like Jesus (and hence like the Father since they are one) will enable us to share in the blessings of this First-Born Brother of ours (see Romans 8:29). “Cleaning up” our behavior is just a rudimentary benefit of becoming like Christ. We shall also partake (in a substantial way) of the tremendous blessings that Jesus experienced as a son of God (see Ephesians 1:3)!

The list of such blessings would be very long, of course, but I can mention just a few. As we become like Christ, we develop “Jesus levels” of love, confidence, joy, peace, and “oneness” with he and Abba. We shall experience these blessings (and many more!) because Abba loves us in the same way that he loves Jesus (see John 17:23, 26).

Abba’s purpose in making us in his image goes far beyond fashioning creatures with behavioral perfection. Indeed, he was “compelled” by his love to share every good thing with us because that is the nature of pure love (see, for example, Psalm 84:11). The only way we can experience those good things is if we are like him!  Let me put it this way,

Abba foresaw your pleasure in becoming like him!

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